Fanny ...no four on the floor for her ...
Racing to her Novice Sprinter title!
Kramer got Best Baby puppy in group and Best Baby Puppy In Show .
Fanny now Canada’s top Conformation
Westie Bitch as of Sept 27th 2022!
Grp 2 Elizabeth Lavault
Grp 3 Dianne Miller
Grp 4 Luis Catlan
Thank you to the Judges !
Baby Puppy Group x 2! Game On Ladyleigh (Kramer)
And Fanny becomes Can GrCh (with CKC Approval ) Thank you Judge Allan Brown for BOS this morning. Donel Bryck for Best in Sweepstakes and Judge Darle Heck for giving her Select Bitch . (I think Fanny is a morning person!)
Thank you to Judge John Constantine Amodei at the All Terrier Club Of Alberta Show giving Fanny BOS for 3 points, despite the heat, 34c! Later in the day she was also awarded Select at the Alberta Kennel Club.
Look what Lollie won!
Best Baby Puppy in Specialty!